
Turmeric benefits are very different. Turmeric is an herb or spice Kunir in Southeast Asia and Indonesia found naturally. The plant is widely used as a cooking spice in their daily lives. In addition, turmeric is also used as a yellow coloring to foods. Since this is not a natural substance side effects.
Much turmeric plant cultivation in Indonesia because it is a medicinal plant that can cure various diseases. From medical research, that a country ill in the spice turmeric lower risk of cancer, including prostate kankaer says. Here are some benefits of turmeric for health and beauty:

Health Benefits of Turmeric for

        Turmeric is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents.
        Turmeric may slow down the spread and growth of tumors.
        Turmeric can help the digestive system.
        Alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.
        Help heal wounds.
        Helps heal wounds and skin diseases like itching.

Beauty Benefits of Turmeric

        Vaginal discharge can be prevented.
        Streamline and reduce pain during menstruation.
        the skin

To get the benefits of turmeric, you can powder or capsule form mengkonrumsinya. The drinks such as herbal medicine can also be done. However, there was the excessive consumption of turmeric that also affect the liver. So, you should stay within reasonable limits, as directed. Excessive consumption of turmeric is not for pregnant mothers, because they can cause a premature birth. So, you should consult with your doctor before taking.